Here is the official information on the boundaries and subordinate units of USCG Sector Columbia River as of 23AUG2010.
Establishment of U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River
On 23 August 2010 USCG Group/Air Station Astoria and USCG Sector Portland will be combined and renamed USCG Sector Columbia River. Sector Columbia River will be in Warrenton, OR while a Marine Safety Unit will remain in Portland. The purpose of this merger is to bring the operational control of all Coast Guard resources located in Northern Oregon under one command for the execution of all Coast Guard missions.
The USCG Sector Columbia River COTP area of responsibility will be as follows:
The USCG Sector Columbia River boundary starts at 47°32' N. latitude and proceeds along this latitude easterly to a point 47°32' N. latitude, 123°18' W. longitude; thence southerly to 46°55' N. latitude; thence easterly along this latitude to the eastern Idaho State line; thence southeasterly along the Idaho State line to the intersection of the Idaho- Wyoming boundary; thence southerly along the Idaho-Wyoming boundary to the intersection of the Idaho-Utah-Wyoming boundaries; thence westerly along the 42°00' N. latitude to the sea. The offshore boundary is bounded on the south by the southern boundary of the Thirteenth Coast Guard District which is described in §3.65–10, to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence northerly along the outermost extent of the EEZ to 47°32' N. latitude; thence easterly along 47°32' N. latitude to the coast.
USCG Sector Columbia River offices will be located at 2185 SE 12th Place, Warrenton, OR and will include the following subordinate units:
- USCG MSU Portland
- USCG Station Portland
- USCG Station Tillamook Bay
- USCG Station Cape Disappointment
- USCG Station Grays Harbor
- USCG Aids to Navigation Team Astoria
- USCG Aids to Navigation Team Kennewick
All VHF-FM and HF radio frequencies formerly guarded 24 hours a day by USCG Group
Astoria and USCG Sector Portland will now be monitored by USCG Sector Columbia River.Please note that all prior information on the 0700-2200 radio watch for surface operations being maintained by STATION PORTLAND remains in effect. See:
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