Welcome to the Division 7, District 13 Blog Site

  • Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    2012 Flotilla 73 Crew & Coxswain Academy

    We are extraordinarily lucky to have the annual FL73 Crew & Coxswain Academy as an option for our members. This course sets the standard for our safe and effective operations program. Please keep in mind that the material and the schedule are challenging. It is not everyone's cup of tea and there are alternative methods to pursue crew and coxswain qualification.

    Be safe out there and look to the safety of your shipmates,

    By Todd Mains

    Ken Babick will once again coordinate the Flotilla 73 Crew/Coxswain Academy. This academy has been very popular over the years for AUX members that desire to qualify to serve on the water. The academy reflects the high standards of the Coast Guard. It is mentally and physically challenging and requires extraordinary effort in order to complete the classes and qualify. In short, it’s not for everybody.

    The 2012 Crew and Coxswain academy will start on Tuesday, 17JAN2012 at 1900 hours on the Training Deck of MSU Portland. The Academy will run through the end of May 2012.

    Academy members should make arrangements with their home flotillas to acquire the Seamanship Manual M16114.5C Qualification guides will be provided for crew trainees.

    Ken Babick will provide the qualification guides and the Operations Manual for the coxswain candidates. Academy trainees are urged to find a qualified mentor to help them through the process. Candidates are expected to be prepared for training sessions by having familiarized themselves with the material before each class.

    Crew candidates are required to complete ICS 100 and 700:

    Coxswains are required to complete ICS 100, 200, 800, and 210 (or 300). Note that 210 (or 300) is not offered online – check with your Member Training Officer.

    Uniform for the academy is ODU. Sessions will begin promptly at 1900 hours on Tuesday nights and Saturday sessions beginning at 0800. Some Saturday sessions are required for coxswain only with crew welcome, and sessions typically last all day. On the water sessions are split with AM and PM sessions. All sessions are held at USCG MSU Portland. Accordingly, uniforms must be worn properly and proper base security procedures must be observed.

    Ken Babick will supply an Academy Summary and an Academy Curriculum to candidates. Candidates can expect that the academy will wrap up in late spring with a QE (Qualifications Examination) session.

    To enroll, contact Ken Babick:
    (503) 663-2537

    Questions? Contact Ken Babick, Don Verkest, Lynn Easton or Todd Mains.

    Here are some photos from 2011:

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