Welcome to the Division 7, District 13 Blog Site

  • Friday, October 22, 2010

    Communicate via email with the core values in mind

    Email is a critical tool in the preparation for and execution of our missions. The ease and immediacy of email as a communications tool significantly improves our ability to be effective. Unfortunately this same ease and immediacy which makes email effective can lead to abuse, intentional and unintentional, which often  negatively impacts both fellowship and mission effectiveness.

    Over the years most of us have likely written emails which we've come to regret. Acting rashly in the moment can lead to immediate conflict and years of hard feelings.

    I wish that whenever we wrote an email as a member of the Coast Guard an alert would pop up asking each of us to evaluate what we've written in the context of our core values -- Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. It would ask a critical question: Is the content of this email in keeping with the core values?

    We don't have, and don't need, such a tool - we simply need to be mindful about how we use email.

    There are a number of steps you can take to minimize the chance that an email you author will be in conflict with OUR VALUES or be perceived as in conflict by the recipient of the email -- remember that perception, whatever your motivation, is reality. You can think of this as a GAR model for your email communications.
    1. Never say anything in an email you would not say in person in front of an audience.
    2. Never send an email when angry, tired or otherwise impaired.
    3. Don't attribute motivation to anyone... there are many ways our processes can fail without ill intent.
    4. Remember that email fails horribly to convey tone, and that the majority of communication is tone and body language. Again, when you send an email you are responsible for how the recipient receives the communication, not what you intended.
    An alternative
    If you have a problem or are angry please pick up the phone, or even better, ask for an in-person meeting.  If you need a moderator on an issue ask someone trusted by both parties or a member of the unit leadership to facilitate the conversation.

    We are responsible for what we write and can expect to be held to account when what we write fails the test against our values. Please use email with care.

    1 comment :

    1. All items that I personally have broken and need to follow the guidlines more strictly. Thank you Daren for the posting.
