On Saturday 03 April and Sunday 04 April 2011 we will be kicking off our 2011 Make Way Education efforts with a presence at ramps and other selected locations around the region. These ramp education efforts will be backed by a focused law enforcement operation. The Make Way program on the ramps and on the water is a critical program to save lives, prevent collisions and protect the marine environment.
The response to online scheduling as we’ve used at recent Boat and Sportsmans Shows has been very positive so we are going to test this method for the ramp scheduling.
Please plan to be at your assigned location ready to go at sunrise (0650) and if at all possible be on site earlier as early launching starts as early as 0500. Please continue operations until 0900, whenever the boats have completed launching, or when you run out of flyers. We welcome any member that would like to assist to sign up, this operation is not just for Vessel Examiners. If you would like to sign up please email me: sharkbait79@comcast.net
While this is a mission some of us conducted last year it is new to others. To help members understand the issues and to promote consistency in our message we have prepared a mission job aid. I encourage all participants to review the job aid and provide feedback based on your prior experience and what you learn over this two morning effort.
To download or print the job aid please visit the following link here
There will be materials for you to hand out in the Auxiliary office at MSU Portland the week prior to the event. The materials will be packaged and labeled for each shift at each ramp. Please coordinate with fellow participants at your ramp to assure you are not doubling up on supplies. If you think your shift will require more than 60 flyers please consider making additional copies.
Flyers for FL71 ramps will be sent by mail to FC Mullinax to avoid the long transit.
Once the packets are ready for pick-up all watchstanders will be notified. The target date is Saturday 26 March for the packets to be available.
Please only take your day and ramp's packet (unless you have agreed with someone to pick it up for you).
Please coordinate with any fellow watchstanders to avoid a trip to MSU to pick up a packet that has already been picked up.
Please write your name down on the log sheet so we know who picked up the packet.
Vessel Exams:
While this is not a VE focused operation VEs are welcome and encouraged to do VEs as time and conditions permit. Please focus on maximizing the quantity and quality of contacts which carry the Make Way message. Doing VEs, particularly if someone else is passing out flyers and having brief conversations may be the most effective approach for those particular boaters.
Once complete with your watch please email me and your Flotilla Commander with the following:
- Name and member number of the watchstanders
- Your ramp and day
- Number of flyers distributed (it may be easier to count the remaining flyers, if any)
- If you ran out of flyers could you have distributed more and if so an estimate so we know how to better provision the ramp in the future
- Any suggestions
We will be reporting the results to the MSU Command. This is a mission which can be reported as public affairs on your 7030.
Please work in teams, this is a great opportunity to bring along a newer member. Please wear life jackets for flotation, visibility and to show responsible boating behavior. Per our standard practice life jackets are required if you will be on the dock.
Names added to the sign up list will represent official assignment to duty per the AUXMAN by the DCDR 7 and SO-VE 7. If you do not sign up initially and decide you would like to help at a later date, the Division leadership would be happy to assist by providing proper assignment to duty via email.
Be safe out there and look to the safety of your shipmates.
Thank you,
Josh Sharkey
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